FY20 Vacation Carryover
IMSA’s vacation benefit policy provides that a maximum of 5 days (40 hours) may be carried over until July 31st of the next fiscal year, at which time they expire. Under the present circumstances, the Board of Trustees has approved the extension of FY20 vacation carryover from July 31st to December 31, 2020. Any FY20 vacation not used by December 31st will be forfeited.
Note: Employees terminating their employment with IMSA after July 31st will not be eligible for payout of remaining FY20 vacation carryover. Employees terminating employment with IMSA prior to August 1st will be eligible for payout of a maximum of 40 hours of FY20 vacation carryover.
12-Month Staff Summer Hours
Effective June 1st, Cabinet has approved an alternate summer work schedule for all 12-month employees, in that they can choose to work a four 10-hour day work week for the months of June and July, 2020. Generally, this schedule would run Monday through Thursday, but may be different with manager’s approval.
This is NOT required, however it is Cabinet’s hope that this flexibility for the next two months will offer additional time for self-care and well-being during these challenging days.
Fine Print:
Core business hours remain 8:00 am – 4:30 pm. Your 10 hour days should cross the majority of these hours.
If you choose to work four 10-hour days, any vacation days taken during this period should be recorded as 10 hours.
Please remember that FY20 Personal Days do not roll over. Any such days remaining as of July 1st will be forfeited. If you are on the 10-hr day schedule, and take a Personal Day, you should record 8 hours as the Personal Day plus 2 hours as “Unscheduled Closure.”
Upon choosing your schedule, you should plan to adhere to it, although flexibility in switching options to accommodate work and personal needs may be accommodated with your manager’s approval.
For those choosing to work 4 days/week, your schedule must revert to five 8-hour days the week of June 29th through July 3rd, as Friday, 7/3 is a holiday.
Additionally, for those employees who choose to continue working five days/week, please do not schedule meetings on Fridays during June and July, except for critical business needs.
If you have questions, please see your manager or reach out to HR.