The IMSA Security Department maintains engravers for the purpose of engraving student and staff property. Students or staff need to contact a Security Supervisor and arrange a time and place to have the property engraved. This process will permanently identify the item of property as that of the person. We also recommend that the student then make a list of all of their valuables by serial number and value. This list can be kept by the student, and copies should be given to their Resident Counselor and parents. This will prove valuable should one of these items become lost or stolen.
The IMSA Security Department maintains engravers for the purpose of engraving student and staff property. Students or staff need to contact a Security Supervisor and arrange a time and place to have the property engraved. This process will permanently identify the item of property as that of the person. We also recommend that the student then make a list of all of their valuables by serial number and value. This list can be kept by the student, and copies should be given to their Resident Counselor and parents. This will prove valuable should one of these items become lost or stolen.
We recommend that any item of value, items of need to other students, or items desirable to other students (such as calculators, portable music equipment, etc) be engraved.