Early Involvement Program (EIP) – 9th Grade

Applications are now open for the fall 2024 9th grade PROMISE Program!

Deadaline to apply: September 11, 2024

This grant-funded program, the fall PROMISE Program is open to all Illinois students currently enrolled in the 9th grade with priority enrollment for Black or African American students, Latinx students, students who qualify for the national free or reduced-price meal program, as well as students from rural Illinois counties.This program runs for the duration of 8-10 sessions on Saturday mornings each Fall, typically October through December. Students attend various classes in mathematics, science, computer science, and more. Program sessions take place at on IMSA’s campus located at 1500 Sullivan Road in Aurora (60506).

IMSA's PROMISE Programs aim to address the challenges of culturally, linguistically, and economically diverse (CLED) students. PROMISE is a proven model of success for realizing the vision of a highly diverse and creative STEM workforce. This grant-funded program for fall 2024 is open to all Illinois students currently enrolled in the 9th grade (2024-25 school year) with priority enrollment for Black or African American students, Latinx students, students who qualify for the national free or reduced-price meal program, as well as students from rural Illinois counties.


The fall PROMISE Program runs on 8 designated Saturdays throughout the fall semester on IMSA's campus in Aurora from 9:00AM -1:00PM. At each session, students will rotate through a series of math, science, and specials courses. Specials will consist of a series of special guest lessons that can include, but are not limited to: Engineering, computer science, English, Wellness, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and much more!

Tentative Session Dates:
  • September 21
  • October 5
  • October 12
  • October 26
  • November 2
  • November 16
  • December 7
  • December 14

Our PROMISE Program application opens at various points in the year depending on grade level. The fall 2024 PROMISE Program application deadline is  September 11, 2024.

The application will consist of the following items:

  • Complete the online application
  • Student Essay
  • Parent Statement
  • Teacher Evaluation Form from a current Math or Science teacher
  • School Administrator Form which includes the request for official grade reports.

Students enrolled in homeschool programs will need to provide additional documentation explaining the curriculum, evaluation process, and texts used. The teacher evaluation must be completed by non-family members who know the student’s work well.

All application materials are due by the listed deadline.

Once you have started your online application, you will be provided a link for the appropriate form.
The Teacher Evaluation should be completed by a previous year math or science teacher. IMSA recommends notifying and communicating with your teacher before sending an evaluation request, so they are prepared to complete the evaluation and understand what you are applying for. It is the applicant's responsibility to provide this link directly to your teacher of choice. Teachers will complete the evaluation form electroically and submissions come directly to the PROMISE team.
The recommendation form will ask teachers to tell our team more about the applicants STEM interests, participation, prepration, collaboartion skills and more.

Once you have started your online application, you will be provided a link for the appropriate form.

The School Administrator Form can be sent to an academic school counselor, prinicipal, assistant principal, registrar, or similar school administrator who has access to student records. We recommend notifying your administrator before sending a form request, so they are prepared to complete the form. It is the applicant's responsibility to provide this link directly to your school official. The form will be completed electronically and submissions come directly to the PROMISE team.

The form will request general information about the school the applicant attends, general academic information, and will include the request for grade reports for the last 2 years (22-23 and 23-24 school year).

Summer PROMISE Program: 

August 9: Application Opens
September 11: Final date to submit application
September 13**: Decisions are released via email


There is no fee to apply for the summer PROMISE Program. Applicants invited to participate will be asked to submit a $50.00 registration fee.