Events | Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy


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GEN: Gender and Religion

GEN is having an event about Gender and Religion. As you may know, recently France has taken a stance against “religious” clothing and symbols with its move to ban the hijab on women under the age of 18. Especially under these circumstances, we'd love to create a space to unpack not only this violation but

Power Dynamics GA

The Power Dynamics GA is the second event for Sexual Assault Awareness Week. We'll be covering how power interacts with abuse in churches, doctor's offices, the entertainment industry, and more with a discussion afterwards.

Sophmore At Large Office Hours

Zoom link: This event has a video call. Join: (US) +1 347-391-5526 PIN: 474699425#

Sophmore At Large Office Hours

Zoom link: This event has a video call. Join: (US) +1 347-391-5526 PIN: 474699425#


Domestic Abuse and Assault GA

The third event in Sexual Assault Awareness Week (SAAW), this GA is brought to you by UNICEF and BELLAs. It will focus on domestic abuse in households and relationships: what they are, why they happen, and their effect on families, children, and individuals.