Events | Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy


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Medicine from the Masters -The CACs

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 881 9487 3564 Passcode: 427942

Join the CACs to discuss direct medicine programs in this Medicine from the Masters talk!

Self Diagnosing Disorders

hey IMSA!! L&D is hosting an event all about self diagnosing disorders! Self-diagnosing mental and developmental disorders is becoming more common today, but why do people self-diagnose? How can self-diagnosing

Mu Alpha Theta: JHMC Mock Competition Volunteers

On Tuesday, February 23rd from 4-5 PM, we are looking for student volunteers for a mock competition for IMSA's annual Junior High Math Contest. Students who sign up will attend a Zoom

IMSAlympians Seminar

Join IMSAlympians to hear from Dr. Perdue, a quantum physicist at Fermilab!

IMSA & C2 Informational Event

Interested in finding out about IMSA and hearing from C2 Education?Register here!